Please clear data on the xmedia center app from the android settings, and then install the latest package fresh. If they do not work on your side, then it probably means that you didn't "clear data" before updating the package. Please understand this before making remarks about you waiting too long for the greek pack to be updated/released.Īs for the Greek TV Series and Movies - They ARE now working.

(so it wouldnt make sense to update the greek pack when other people were not able to use the software alltogether). You must understand that there are other users, not only greek people. You are now still complaining about the country pack - the country pack will be completed and available for download very soon.

George / gstingr, this is the last time i will be deleting your post for your rudeness, if it continues i will have to remove you from the forum - you have been warned.Īs for your comments, it is quite clear that we worked our butts off fixing the update package issues which were affecting other users (not in relation to greek content) - we revised the update package countless number of times and finally resolved all the problems 2 days ago (the 15/2/17 update).